Wedding Video Hong Kong - Pre Wedding Shoots Video
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Wedding Videography

"Wow! The Videos are Amazing and Touching! Delivered more than we expected, and we had such a great time! Thanks for your hard work!

Wedding Day Videography

Wedding With Love

Wedding Day

Photography & Videography

今次,能夠親手為你們拍攝PreWedding, 再拍攝Wedding, 見證你地既大日子! 感到好幸福!

你地既婚禮好充滿愛,但玩既時候,又好玩得,好正! 🎉😍
衷心祝福你地婚後生活愉快! 🤩👏



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Helia & Marcus Wedding

Helia & Marcus Wedding

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Wedding Day Videography

Touching Wedding With Tears

Sherry & Garry

Wedding Day

Photography & Videography

<一個非常有愛既婚禮 Wedding with Love>

好開心能夠為弟兄姊妹 David & Maria 既囡囡 Sherry及女婿 Garry 拍攝一個恩典滿載, 開心有愛感人既婚禮 💕🎥.

記得昨天一早7:45去到酒店準備拍攝既時間天氣仲係好差, 下著大雨🌧.


原本看天文台雨是要下到下午14:30才會停的, 點知9:30新郎到酒店既時候已經放晴,

下午仲超好天氣!! ☀

而且昨天既婚禮全日早午晚都在敬拜, 真係好正!!

新人同埋班兄弟姊妹亦都玩得好開心, 而且非常Nice!! 感恩!!👏😄




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Wedding Day Videography

Wedding With Laughter

Wedding Day

Photography & Videography

<Fun & Loving Wedding>

感謝 遇到你們! 有型好玩阿! 

你們很美麗, 很登對呢

感謝你們的信任及滿意 !


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還有其他新人, 每一對都有獨特的美麗回憶





太複雜的感情, 用言語也不能夠表達清楚...

所以 每當回看當天的紀錄



講求故事的連貫性, 小細節和各人的感情,一整天發生的事都需要被記錄在內...!


感動的淚水... 的承諾


So & King wedding (The Peninsula Hotel and The Repulse Bay)

So & King wedding (The Peninsula Hotel and The Repulse Bay)

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Julia & Angus Video Highlight (Lanham Hotel)

Julia & Angus Video Highlight (Lanham Hotel)

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Jenny & Jason wedding (The Repulse Bay)

Jenny & Jason wedding (The Repulse Bay)

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Book your wedding video service

Have you been dreaming of your wedding ceremony your whole life? At Jason Pang Gallery, we understand that. Our crews can capture every laugh, tear, and unforgettable moment for you to receive a cinematic masterpiece brimming with the beauty and intimacy of the day. Years from now, you will watch your wedding video and relive those feelings all over again!

Our crews are focused on crafting a stunning visual story using state-of-the-art equipment and an artistic style. From the first look to the last dance, Jason Pang Gallery can become a discreet part of your wedding to catch real emotions and amazing moments. 

Let our team shoot a timeless keepsake that your family will treasure for years.

Wedding day videography tailored to your unique love story

The Jason Pang Gallery team approaches your wedding with an artistic eye to film your Big Day in a creative, emotive way. We meet with you beforehand to hear your love story and desired theme. We use what we learn about your personality and how to authentically epitomize the essence of you as a couple and the spirit of your celebration.

We stand behind realistic filming to capture true emotions for wedding videography. Our professionals focus on the little things that make a big impact, like a close-up of intertwined hands, an over-the-shoulder shot of you reading your vows, and a slow pan of the reception venue. We combine cinematic techniques to produce a lovely video enhanced by dramatic angles, time-lapses, and more.

Your wedding video will feature:

  • Your Wedding Story’s multiple viewpoints. We utilize our skills to blend wide shots that establish the setting and mood, mid-range shots that bring life into the action, and close-ups that catch the emotional nuances for your wedding big day. With a variety of lenses, camera positions, and perspectives, we create a dynamic, multidimensional record of your celebration, to present your wedding as your story.

  • Candid, improvised moments. In addition to significant events like the first look and reception, our luxury wedding videographers zoom in on the finer points, including a tender glance, moments that make you both giggle, or a sweet gesture of your interactions with your family and friends. These unscripted moments make for the most heartfelt memories.

  • Your emotional moments with friends and family. Hearing the well wishes and stories from your loved ones on your big day adds another layer of meaning. During a wedding video shoot, our videographers are skilled to capture these personal messages for you.

  • Custom highlights and choice of music. Our team thoughtfully edits your footage to create a beautiful and cohesive plot. We incorporate your music choices, spice it up with pacing, and highlight the most meaningful moments.

Wedding video company that can bring out your love

At Jason Pang Gallery, we are award winning photography videography team because we are dedicated to making couples pre wedding and wedding meaningful for you. Our photographers and videographers are highly trained, accredited professionals with years of experience filming pre-weddings and big days. You can also receive personalized support for the initial planning stages for the best shots.

Read our real customer review and media coverage to see more real examples! 

Contact us by whatsapp or email for wedding videography services for your date. Let us show your pre wedding or big day soon (ideally 6 to 12 months before the date) and ask for our availability before we are full! Thank you

Meet Award Winning Photographer
Jason Pang

Jason and team provides customized pre-wedding, wedding, family, commercial, portrait photography and video service, mission is to spread love via servicing.
Contact Jason

👉 whatsapp/ call: 
      +852 97885164 

👉 email:

Remember to contact us ASAP to check out our availability! 

Don't wait too long to find out that we are already booked on you
r important date! 

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Samantha + Ben Wedding Day - Same Day Edit - 婚禮攝影錄影 Wedding Day Photography and Videography

Samantha + Ben Wedding Day - Same Day Edit - 婚禮攝影錄影 Wedding Day Photography and Videography

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Want to know our Packages  & Rate Card? 

If you want quick assistance, the fastest way is to contact us via Facebook messenger or whatsapp to check out our availability! 

Don't wait too long to find out that we are already booked on your important date! 

Click the Whatsapp Button


Facebook Messenger Button for a quick chat

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Ask Package, Solutions & Availability 

Meet Award Winning Photographer
Jason Pang

Jason and team provides customized pre-wedding, wedding, family, commercial, portrait photography and video service, mission is to spread love via servicing.
Contact Jason

👉 whatsapp/ call: 
      +852 97885164 

👉 email:

Remember to contact us ASAP to check out our availability! 

Don't wait too long to find out that we are already booked on you
r important date! 

Agent Spreading Love 🌹 short version
Jason Pang Gallery

Agent Spreading Love 🌹 short version

Agent Spreading Love 
Jason Pang Gallery

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Top Photography, Videography & Branding - Jason Pang Gallery

 Awarded【No. 1 Honor of Distinction Award】- By HK's Largest Testimonial Platform

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