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Jason Pang Gallery

<他和她的夢想 · 婚禮> 田園草坪, 遊艇和新人的故事. 黃金海岸婚禮 | Romantic Outdoor Wedding. Garden, Yachts and the story

我們都記得在外國旅行, 留學的日子。。。


然而,回到香港後。。。 都很難找到啊!


一個很享受的下午 :)



(其實說到這裡。。。。。我們的故事和他們的有點像呢!我已前也是做銀行而太太是做諮詢的!為了走更遠的路我們一起離開以前的舒適區,把事業,興趣和回饋社會三合一,可以從我們的婚紗攝影... 香港婚禮攝影...的採訪中看到更多我們以前的故事呢!)

他們在黃金海岸的海景前說 “我願意!”


Bride Feeling Romantic


Happy Groom

新郎, 酷

Looking Smart


我們還特意和他們登上游艇拍攝!浪漫的戶外婚禮 :)


Remember our days of travelling and studying overseas?

The most memorable sunshine, grassland and fresh air!

This beautiful wedding at the country side garden reminds us of that memories...

This couple... the groom originally work in finance. After he met the bride, he decided to quit his job and pursue the dream of educating young children together! So touching...

( A bit like my story where I quit my job in Banking and my wife quit hers in Consulting for us to start - for a longer journey! Combining our Direction, our Interest, and our Heart to Serve the Community! More stories please read my previous interview in relation to Hong Kong Wedding Photography Videography and Pre Wedding Photography Videography by other media...)

Beside the wedding in the garden, we have done some amazing shots of photos and videos with the sea view and the yachts!

A wonderful afternoon!


Venue: Gold Coast Clubhouse in Hong Kong

Photography and Videography: Jason Pang Gallery

Floral Decoration: Rose of Sharon

Wedding Gown and Suit: Bride and Groom's own

MC: Yuki Wong

More Behind the Scenes at Facebook and Instagram! @JasonPangGallery, please like and follow. Enjoy!

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