<沿途有您 感恩父母情> 12 強和優異獎, 感恩!
Power of family love!
很感恩我們的作品在芸芸千多個作品中, 經過17位星級評判既判決,
最後入了「沿途有您 感恩父母情」 12 強和得了第4名優異獎!!!!
We are very grateful that our photo, out of 1000+ photos, has become one of the 12 finalist of a competition [Parents, we are grateful for you walking side by side with us] and obtained the 4th Place ‘Excellent’ Award!
因為我們希望我們的攝影作品能傳達 [好好愛家人] 的訊息!
Because our Mission is to spread ‘family love’ to more people!
(PHOTO 1) - 12 FINALIST - 仲記得拍攝當日天氣好熱, 小朋友又剛剛玩完出汗, 我就叫佢地先休息一下, 飲下水. 同時我亦拿起相機去捕捉他們的溫馨時刻. 估唔到相片竟然得獎, 這也是我始料之外的事. 感恩!

(PHOTO 2) - 4TH PLACE - 去加拿大探望親戚生下第三個女兒的時間, 見到媽媽真摰既愛, 我就叫她們可否企過少少然後就拍下這感人時刻.

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